© 2025 Montana Technological University, All Rights Reserved
Montana Tech is committed to providing students with transformative experiences that enhance learning, research, and personal development.
We are thrilled to announce the expansion of these opportunities through our study abroad programs! Not only do we invite our students to participate, but we also welcome alums, participants from other colleges and universities, and our vibrant Butte community.
When you step outside your comfort zone, extraordinary things can happen!
Through Orediggers Overseas, we proudly support students' and faculty's ambitions to study abroad. This initiative encompasses programs designed by faculty members, grants from other institutions, and exciting events organized by student clubs.
We need your support for Orediggers Overseas! Traveling abroad is a life-changing experience that benefits everyone involved, and your generosity can ensure that more students can seize this incredible opportunity at Montana Tech.
Join us in making a difference by supporting Orediggers Overseas and the invaluable study-abroad experiences we offer.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please don't hesitate to email Shauna Goodell at sgoodell@mtech.edu or Cindy Wier at cwier@mtech.edu. Thank you for considering this opportunity to impact our students' lives!